The Cardinal House Pipes “Langford” series of pipes are smooth pipes in various shapes with hand cut stems.
The promenade on Lake Mirror was conceived and built in the 1920’s amid a state of collapse of Florida’s economy. In 1930, it appeared in National Geographic Magazine’s January issue. In 1946, the city of Lakeland dedicated the promenade to Lakeland native Frances Langford for her work with the United Service Organizations and her music and acting career. By the 1970’s, the promenade was deteriorating along with much of downtown Lakeland’s landmark architecture, and the Frances Langford dedication was largely forgotten. The past few decades have seen a revival in the rich history and culture of downtown Lakeland, and the restoration of much of the architecture, including the promenade. In 2013, the city re-dedicated the Frances Langford promenade and installed a new marker.